First Day of Spring
On March 21, the first day of meteorological spring, my husband and I got in our car for a change of scenery and went hiking at a nature preserve. The emerging sun made us feel hopeful for an early spring. As we walked and noticed the dead grass, leafless trees and barren landscape, I realized that this was a reflection of how I am feeling right now; desolate and isolated, much like the dead remains of winter. Spread out before me was an image of the world suffering from pandemic.
But then, someone came down the path that usually has no one on it. As we went further we saw families walking, couples riding bikes, and kids sitting on a bench looking at the frozen lake. As we moved over on the path to assure that we were six feet apart, we acknowledged each other with a nod or a brief hello. After being cooped up in the house for the last week, these short encounters felt significant. It was clear that God’s love was at work here.
So while the weather may be warming and a real gift for our “stay at home” directive, my real hunger is for the spring that will come after the quarantine, after the social distancing, and after the run on paper towels and toilet paper. When I can hug my mother, read to my grandchild in my lap instead of over FaceTime, and pray with my communities. God of hope, help me to be patient in waiting for that spring.
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