Spiritual Direction (virtual, one-on-one)
Open Dates
We are currently offering Spiritual Direction via telephone or web only. The recommended donation for one-on-one spiritual direction is $75. Registration for this program is used primarily to log payments.
Explore/Inquire About a Customized Personal Retreat
Open Dates
Benedictine Center
The experienced members of the Benedictine Center staff enjoy helping women and men like you find just the right blend of resources for their unique spiritual journeys. With a better sense of your preferences in terms of timing, special diets, accommodations and more, we will help you plan your retreat and gather any resources you might need, […]
Sustaining the Practice Retreat (3 nights or more)
Flexible Dates
Benedictine Center
Often people who are feeling called to integrate the disciplines of silence and spiritual practice into their lives choose a retreat of three nights or more. A Sustaining the Practice Retreat invites a person to set aside a significant window of time (between 3 and 7 nights) for renewal and growth. One can explore the riches of […]
Peace Retreat (2 nights)
Package Dates
Benedictine Center
A Peace Retreat helps you settle in to the calm that greets you at the monastery doors. Day 1 helps you familiarize yourself with the beauty and resources. Day 2 allows you the freedom to linger without travel. Day 3 allows you to ease back into normal life. The Peace Retreat helps you begin to feel […]
Quiet Retreat (1 night)
Package Dates
Benedictine Center
A Quiet Retreat gives you one night away from responsibilities. The room and three home-cooked meals are prepared with a personal touch. You are welcome but not obligated to join the Sisters for prayer. Take in the art, read, or walk the labyrinth as you choose. The time is yours. Some guests find it helpful to […]
Day of Prayer (no overnight)
Package Dates
Benedictine Center
A Day of Prayer is a simple way to step into some quiet. Enjoy a private room and whatever degree of solitude you prefer. Some guests join the Sisters for midday prayer and visit with them at lunch. Others prefer to journal, read, pray and walk the grounds at their leisure. The monastic library, art […]
2025-01-15: Introduction to Centering Prayer
With Tod Twist and Gwen Pickering
January 15, 2025
Benedictine Center of St. Paul's Monastery
Introduction to Centering Prayer In this introductory workshop, you will learn the basics of the Centering Prayer practice, as you enter into a deeper relationship with God and self. There will be some time for mutual reflection on the practice. Spiritual Directors Tod Twist and Gwen Pickering will be facilitating the workshop, based on the teachings of Father Thomas Keating, OCSO. There will be two 20-minute sits during the workshop. Sessions of group centering prayer offer the opportunity to deepen your relationship with God and self. Enjoy the labyrinth, courtyard, walking trails, and art gallery. Lunch is included. We invite you to join us to learn more about this transformative practice that brings deep peace and healing to so many!
2025-01-22 Lectio Divina and Living with Illness: Reading the Sacred Text of Your Body
With Sheryl Rose
January 22 - February 19, 2025
Online: Zoom
This three-part online workshop will be held January 22, February 5 and February 19 from 10:30am-12:00pm over Zoom. Space is limited. Many of us live with illnesses or chronic conditions that prevent us from fully living our lives in the way we desire. Even though there may be no physical cure for our suffering, God invites us to work toward the healing that comes from deep listening and close awareness of God’s presence in our lives. Lectio Divina, the Benedictine practice of reading and savoring Holy Scripture, guides many of our prayer practices and the spirituality of our daily lives through the stages of silencio, lectio, meditatio, oratio, and contemplatio. What if we were to extend that practice to our own bodies? What if we were to acknowledge that our bodies are a sacred text and that we can learn from them by slowly “reading” and deeply listening to our bodies, meditating on their messages to us and then lifting our body’s pain and suffering in prayer to God? Please join Sheryl Rose, spiritual director and oblate, for a new workshop series “Lectio Divina and Living with Illness: Reading the Sacred Text of your Body.” Each session builds on the […]
2025-02-07: Centering Prayer Retreat
With Laurie Erickson and Gwen Pickering
February 7 - 9, 2025
Benedictine Center of St. Paul's Monastery
Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina Retreat In this silent retreat, you will experience a time of profound silence and praying the Scriptures as you enter into a deeper relationship with God and self. This retreat blends a rhythm of centering prayer, lectio divina, and prayer with the monastic community. There will be some time for mutual reflection on the practices. Spiritual Directors Laurie Erickson and Gwen Pickering will be facilitating the Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina Retreat, based on the teachings of Father Thomas Keating, OSCO. There will be several 20 minute sits each day and time for quiet reflection and rest. Extended sessions of group centering prayer offer the opportunity to deepen your relationship with God and self. Enjoy the labyrinth, courtyard, walking trails, and art gallery. Participants are invited to join the Sisters for prayer, following the daily schedule of Liturgy of the Hours. All meals and a private room are included. You are welcome to make the retreat, whether you are just beginning the practices or are deeply formed by them.