Tag Archives: Jesus


Triduum: Jesus Models Essence and Service

Through the Triduum and Easter, Jesus provides a roadmap for the spiritual path of transformation. His actions model how we might live more deeply from our souls in ways that lead to service. He shows us a path from living out of the karmic self of the ego into the Kriya action of Essence.

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More Than a Stained Glass Window Jesus

Sayers reminds us that the people who surrounded Jesus in the Gospels were real people who had their own lives and concerns.  They encountered Him within a specific time and specific cultural pressures.  They made choices about Him with the little information they had – unlike us, who know the end of the story.  Caiaphas and Pilate did not condemn Jesus to death so they could fulfill prophecy, but as an expedient way to protect their own interests in unstable times.

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