A retreat for intermediate practitioners
Call 612-777-8181 or email: development@stpaulsmonastery.org to join us.
Welcome to the Benedictine Center
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Support the Legacy of Benedictine Spirituality in the Twin Cities.
DonateWelcome, Retreat and Spirituality Seekers
No Two Spiritual Journeys Are Alike
Some guests make use of one resource at a time, dropping in for prayer, some quiet, or to participate in an event. Some stay connected to the Benedictine Center by meeting one-on-one with a spiritual director or bringing their group to the Benedictine Center for retreat. Others like to take advantage of more than one resource. Our staff is ready to help you decide which options may be uniquely helpful to you. Spiritual Direction
Interested in finding a companion for your spiritual journey?
The Benedictine Center’s spiritual direction team is comprised of experienced, knowledgeable spiritual leaders trained to be exceptional listeners, paying attention to the movement of the Spirit and helping individuals deepen their own spiritual journeys.
Personal Retreats
Ready to step into a quiet retreat space and remember what is really important?
At The Benedictine Center, we believe that each spiritual experience is as unique and personal as the individual seeking fulfillment. Our staff will help you explore options so that your time with us is rich with healing and renewal.
NEW Benedictine CARE
Wellness Program
Do you struggle to align what you want to do with what you actually do?
Health requires making choices, many choices every day. Knowing what to do be healthy probably isn’t your struggle. It’s doing what you know to do. Come learn and be guided in an approach to healthcare that integrates our Benedictine monastic tradition to help you finally align what you want to do with what you actually do.
Group Conferencing
Looking for just the right mix of professionalism and personal touch and for your group’s next retreat?
The Benedictine Center works to ensure that conference guests enjoy a deeply rewarding and inspiring experience. Whether your group designs its own agenda or draws on our wide range of resources, we’re confident your group will be enriched by their time at the Monastery.
Give to the Benedictine Center
From $10 to $25 or more, your gifts support the Sisters’ ongoing ministry through the Benedictine Center. Thank you!
Benedictine Mission
The Benedictine Center shares the monastic heritage of St. Paul’s Monastery with all who seek to live with the Gospel as their guide.
Benedictine Vision
The Benedictine Center is a sacred threshold between St. Paul’s Monastery and world. In the name of the Sisters, it creates a space for people to experience peace of mind and peace of spirit. The Benedictine Center forms a “school for the Lord’s service” in the tradition defined by St. Benedict and flourishes in the midst of a monastic community that bears witness to the power of hospitality, conversation, and mutual service. Through prayer, study, and discernment, the Benedictine Center guides people in developing a contemplative heart open to the message of the Gospel and the discovery of God’s presence at the core of their lives.
Benedictine Values
Extend radical hospitality
Practice the art of prayerModel the formative power of community
Deepen the habit of studyDiscern the call to service as disciples of Christ
Express God’s presence in beautyTestimonials
Anonymous Patron
“When I see all these people sharing their souls, I can’t help but wonder what mine has to say.”
Anonymous Artist
“Returning for the juried show each year helps me stay at my practice all year long.”
“It’s so peaceful here. Even my body feels it when I walk through the door.”
“Wow. What can I say? I cannot thank you enough for the way that you helped me. This was a wonderful experience—one of a lifetime.”
“I am moved every time I walk in these doors and encounter a new exhibit.”
“I am an artist who just moved to town. I have found my people.”
Dr. Mel Kimble
“We found the spiritual atmosphere, architecture and interaction with the community of St. Paul’s Monastery as asset to our work . . . the Benedictine Center keeps our focus on the spiritual dimension of life as it unfolds.”
Fr. Chuck Brambilla
“As a staff we were amazed at the quality of our experience together.”
Pastor Ruth Conrad
“God has breathed empowering courage into my life and ministry through times of silence in this beautiful center.”
Aaron Miller, Campus Minister
“The Benedictine Center made our retreat with college students nothing less than spectacular. What we encountered was a true sense of Benedictine hospitality and prayerfulness.”
“I can’t believe I slept for twelve hours straight. It must have been what my body needed.”
“Our time was peaceful and beautiful and blessed.”
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