Tag Archives: poetry


Writing From the Center: The Noble Truths of Writing

Writing From the Center The Noble Truths About Writing At the end of January, ten writers attended our annual “Just Write” retreat. This weekend event provides time to sit in a quiet space and write – or think about writing. We gathered around the “Four Noble Truths of Writing” created by writer and Buddhist priest,…
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Ice Break: Annotated Selections from a Book of Poems

Ice Break: Annotated Selections from a Book of Poems Writers too infrequently have the opportunity to witness people in the act of receiving their work. I was recently afforded that privilege as I shared a poetry reading with my friend and colleague Victor Klimoski. The experience encouraged me to annotate a handful of poems for…
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Writing From the Center | Wisdom for Putting It In Words

Writing from the Center: Wisdom for Putting It In Words I am convinced that writing from the center of who we are requires time and companionship. In that spirit, we recently held a weekend retreat for writers. The invitation was to come into the embrace of the monastery with a single focus: to sit at a…
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Art as Spiritual Practice

©Birth of Christ, Luke Frontispiece, Donald Jackson, 2002, The Saint John’s Bible, Saint John’s University, Collegeville, Minnesota, USA. Scripture quotations are from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible, Catholic Edition, © 1993, 1989 National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Art…
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The Vision (a poem by Victor Klimoski)

When Obama was first elected, I wrote a poem that tried to capture some of the surge of hope that event occasioned.  Since then, I have returned to the poem in an effort to bring it to its rightful voice.  For reasons unknown, as I thought about the 2018 Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday and…
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Writing from the Center | The Journey of a Poem

PHOTO CREDIT: A local man helps a Syrian refugee swimming exhaustedly from a dinghy to a Lesbos beach, Sept. 17, 2015. Yannis Behrakis / Reuters Writing From the Center Writing from the Center is a new feature in the Benedictine Center's regular eBulletin.  For nearly ten years we have been convening writers to explore how…
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