Monthly Archives: February 2018



Sabbath: Well-being, Not Endless Work

While modern Christians do not often practice Sabbath as regularly as our Jewish brothers and sisters, we still need times when we set aside our task lists to remember that we are created in the image of a God who rested after amazing acts of creation. We need times to step outside of our regular work routines and remember that we are “human beings,” not just “human doings.” These times remind us we are beloved just as we are and that God’s love does not depend on us producing or creating or doing anything.

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The Benedictine Commitment to Learning

We need sacred spaces because they serve as custodians for the treasures found within our faith traditions. This requires the service of faithful custodians in every parish, retreat center, and socially conscious organization precisely because there is so much to learn and discover. Benedict seemed to understand that there is an abundance of wisdom to be harvested as he instructed his followers to keep reading—and praying what they read—their whole lives long.

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Fostering Community: What might IT be?

Fostering Community: What might IT be? I am dazzled by the gold thread of a meaningful conversation and, as if with the paw of a cat, I pull on it and chase it, until it unravels.  That is how I might describe my fall week of residency at the Benedictine Center as I moved in…
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Poem: The Uncluttered Mind

Before my mind is overcome / by news of the world’s woe, / I want to think of water, / fresh, cold water, cascading /
over shelves of jagged rock / and falling like skeins of rich silk. . .

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