Through the Triduum and Easter, Jesus provides a roadmap for the spiritual path of transformation. His actions model how we might live more deeply from our souls in ways that lead to service. He shows us a path from living out of the karmic self of the ego into the Kriya action of Essence.
Writing From the Center: The Noble Truths of Writing
Easter is a Season (Not a Day)
Triduum: Jesus Models Essence and Service
Through the Triduum and Easter, Jesus provides a roadmap for the spiritual path of transformation. His actions model how we might live more deeply from our souls in ways that lead to service. He shows us a path from living out of the karmic self of the ego into the Kriya action of Essence.
Spilling Water Meditation
Finding Unexpected Treasure in Lectio Divina
Making Friends with My Body
Writing from the Center | Revision: Writing Until You Find Your Meaning
One of the exciting aspects of writing is the process of discovery also known as revision. An idea or image comes to mind, and we sit down to describe it because we want to remember it or share with others. Yet, it often happens that as we write, what seemed so clear and evident at first seems to fade. Or we suddenly find numerous threads of ideas with no pattern. When that happens, just keep writing until you come to whatever feels like the end. At this point you are ready to embrace the process of revision – the nearly magical process of discovery. Like a sculptor standing before a block of marble, you chip away at the mass of words on the paper or screen.
The School of Lectio Divina: An Invitation to Abundance
By the mid-point of the School of Lectio I wrote this in my journal, “I have fallen in love with Scripture as prayer!” It was as if God and I were rekindling an old friendship on a long weekend retreat together. I was learning anew what it might look like to trust God enough to live a life completely surrendered to God.
The Summons: What Do We Do With Shadow? (Part 2 of 3)
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