Tag Archives: Spirit


What Discernment Means to Me

What Discernment Means to Me Two questions have plagued me over the years: How does one bring God into the process of making decisions, and how does one know if a thought is appropriate? As a Benedictine Oblate, I knew of the Benedictine Center’s School of Discernment but did not immediately make the connection that…
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Change IS Possible

Change IS Possible People can’t change.  If I had a dollar for every time I have heard these words uttered, I’d have a pretty hefty savings account. It wasn’t until I recently heard my sixteen-year old niece proclaim them that I knew I’d had enough.  I responded, “Honey, if I didn’t believe people could change,…
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Fostering Community: What might IT be?

Fostering Community: What might IT be? I am dazzled by the gold thread of a meaningful conversation and, as if with the paw of a cat, I pull on it and chase it, until it unravels.  That is how I might describe my fall week of residency at the Benedictine Center as I moved in…
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