Time to Pause
We have a labyrinth in our backyard which, weather permitting, is where I do my walking prayer every day. One day, while I was preparing for a group to come and join us for a walk, my husband caught this photo of our dog, Bella, sitting in one of her contemplative postures on the labyrinth.
Yes, she too regularly sits in that sacred space and gazes upon our God in nature. She is often my signal that it’s time to stop checking things off my to do list and take that time apart so necessary to my spiritual health. As I observe her slowly savoring the smells of the freshly cut grass, the sounds of the birds singing in the trees and the feel of the breeze ruffling through her hair, my dog is a reminder to pause, ponder and savor the gifts of God right in my own backyard.
In walking the labyrinth path, I am invited to set down my burdens as I traverse the path and move toward the center. Then God calls me to rest in the open space of that center, to take the weights off my shoulders and to experience total love and acceptance of the sacred. As I return on the path back out, I have a renewed sense of energy and commitment as I return to my day to day life of ministry, relationships and work. This gift of regular contemplation heightens my awareness of those “everyday prophets” who are manifestations of God’s Divine love right in my own family, my neighborhood and at my workplace.
What in your life might be calling you to rest in God?
Might it be time to carve out time and space for a personal retreat or to consider meeting with a spiritual director?
How do you restore the sacred in your life?
Learn more about Sheryl Rose.
Explore the possibility of spiritual direction with Sheryl or another member of the Benedictine Center team.